Team Lamplight 20,000km Challenge

To mark Lamplight’s 20th birthday, the Lamplight team are doing a sponsored challenge to travel 20,000km under their own power over the next year.
Lamplight achieves ISO27001 certification

We are really pleased to announce that we have achieved ISO 27001 certification, underscoring our commitment to the highest standards of information security management.
New versions of the Family Star and Family Star Plus available now

Triangle have recently released a new version of the Family Star and Family Star Plus. These are now available in Lamplight.
Small Charity Week – This week!

Small Charity Week is 19th – 23rd June , a week celebrating the massive impact small charities have in our communities, and providing a bunch of resources to support you and your work. There are a ton of free and cheap events through the week – it’s not too late to book on now.
The Charity Digital Skills Report reflects the challenges we see so many charities facing

Reducing the barriers that charities face in achieving digital progression has always been our aim. It’s why we started and it’s why we continue. We care about affordability, providing quality digital that’s truly fit for purpose, and upskilling those within the sector.
Demonstrate achievements and support effective keywork with Outcomes Stars TM

We take a look at the uses and benefits of Outcomes Stars from Triangle and highlight the new sector-specific Stars that have been added to the wide range already available.
Practical Tips For Charities Transferring Data To A New System

Here our data migration team share their insights to support organisations planning a move to a new data handling process and to help you avoid some of the stumbling blocks that can occur when moving your existing data to a new system.
Update to Personal Support Pack Charges as of 1st June 2022

From the 1st of June 2022 we will be returning to logging and tracking internal support time. We’re making these changes in order to better support both our own team and yours, and to keep monthly costs as low as possible for customers.
How You Celebrated International Women’s Day 2022
We work with incredible organisations nationwide who support and celebrate women. We’ve rounded up some examples of how different organisations celebrated International Women’s Day this year and it’s inspiring to see the work of those who every day work towards equality around the world. Carers Count “🎬 Take a look at how we celebrated the […]
Why Prioritising A Cyber Security Health Check Is Worth It
We take a look at how increased digital working, the risk of cyber security breaches and the need for greater confidence in approaches to cyber security are impacting charities. Increase In Digital Working The accelerated digitisation experienced by the charity sector over the past few years has been embraced not only in the UK but […]
Welcoming our newest apprentice to the Lamplight team permanently
On completion of his apprenticeship as Digital Support Technician (Firebrand Training), we’re delighted that Sam Rimmer has agreed to remain with Lamplight. Conducted remotely from 2020 to 2022, the broad purpose of this apprenticeship was to maximise the effective use of digital office technologies, productivity software, digital communications, including collaborative technologies, and digital information systems […]
Why it’s important to review your operator security policies
Have you checked recently that the right people have the right level of access to the systems you use including Lamplight? And that anyone that shouldn’t have access, doesn’t? When an employee leaves, you’re probably careful to stop paying them, and take back their keys to the office. But you need to be just as careful to […]