Mental Health

Stress-free data entry and reporting.

Diverse mix of charity sector software users looking at laptop

Customise the fields you want to log, whether you need to record diagnoses, history, demographics and more.

People access different services at different times in their lives. Easily archive and unarchive profiles and cases depending on whether you are actively supporting someone, if they have paused for now, or if they are  

Access case histories without making your clients relive their stories every tme they come to you.  

Manage waiting lists to ensure people get help appropriately, and demonstrate the level of need to commissioners and funders. 

Outcome reporting is easy with Lamplight – we have a huge variety of measures available, or you can fully cusomtise your own to capture all the progress you need to show the impact you have on your clients. 

Log a wide variety of outcomes and report on change

Easily view risk information for service users

Store confidential counselling data securely

Hear from charities who transformed their operations with our tailored CRM.

Lamplight is part of the family…it’s the first thing we go to at the start of each day… it’s a massive part of our operations , it’s a good point of reference, the reporting is great and past details can support with new cases coming on board.

As per our meeting today I just wanted to say that I like talking to you as  you are  a human organisation  and treat people with respect and patience.

Ready to tailor your perfect system?

Have a friendly, no-obligation chat with a real person to get all your questions answered.