New versions of the Family Star and Family Star Plus available now

Diagram showing new versions of the family star and family star plus

Triangle have recently released a new version of the Family Star and Family Star Plus. These are now available in Lamplight. If you’re using either of these stars the new versions have been added to your license, but you will need to import them if you wish to use them. (Triangle recommend that you do, but speak to them if you have questions about moving over).

To import the new versions, a system administrator will need to log in and go to and follow the instructions – the new stars are at the end of the list of possible options.

If you’re not using Outcome Stars from Triangle within Lamplight but want to: you can! You’ll need to speak to Triangle about training and a license, and we’ll then set you up so your Outcome Star recording and reporting can all sit alongside the rest of your data.

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