Top 5 Things to Look For in Your Charity CRM Supplier 

young man smiling and looking friendly, showing number five with hand forward.

In this blog we explore key factors to consider when evaluating CRM suppliers to ensure the best fit for your charity. 

When looking for new software, it’s easy to focus on nifty features and slick animations. Clearly what it does is important. But there are other factors we think are crucial for charities when thinking about their CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.  

Here’s our top 5: 

1 – Do They Do Charity? 

CRM – Customer Relationship Management – is a term that’s come from the world of business. Businesses sell – they have prospects and leads and customers, sales teams, marketing campaigns, and profit margins. This is not the world of charities. 

So if they are offering a CRM, are they trying to bend the world, language, and assumptions of business to charity? All software has a story behind it – the user and context that was in the mind of the developer. Does the story behind that software match yours? 

If not, you might find that you’re constantly trying to bend something into your shape. 

Charities also have a different way of working. Funding is very different, and your bottom line – helping people, benefiting society – is also different. So, it’s really important to find a CRM software that has been designed for charities from the bottom up. 

2 – What is their Information Security position? 

The reality today is that someone somewhere is trying to attack your systems. You may not know it; but they are. 

Most charities will want to store often very sensitive personal information about people. You have a legal and moral duty to keep that safe – and so too does your supplier. 

ISO27001 is the international standard for Information Security Management Systems. That’s a good starting point for your suppliers. 

But you may also need to dig a bit deeper. Does the system support two factor authentication? What other security features can you take advantage of? 

3- Do They Care? 

Some of our customers have been using Lamplight for 20 years. Your relationship with your CRM supplier could be a long one. So are they people you want to work with? Do they care about what you do? Have they sat in your position and have some empathy for the challenges you face? 

And do they act accordingly? All organisations have a culture and a set of values. Do they match up pretty well with yours? And can you see those values in action, expressed in how they operate? 

It may not be decisive, but it can make the relationship much easier. If you can work with your supplier, rather than just as a utility provider, you’ll get much more out of it. 

4 – Does It Work? 

This seems obvious: but does their software do what you need? The term ‘vapour ware’ has been around for a long time in software. That’s features that the sales-person promises could easily be added – but don’t actually exist. 

Assuming that you are going to configure existing software, make sure you take a good look at a working demo. (And you almost certainly should configure existing software – it will be very rare for it to be cost-effective for charities to build their own these days). Make sure you know what are your ‘essentials’ and what are your ‘nice to haves’ – and ideally, how much these are worth to you in time saved or services improved. 

5 – Are They Going To Be There Next Year? 

The problem with the culture of start-ups and pivots is that if they work, they become very big; if they don’t, they sometimes disappear. This may not matter if it’s the latest social network. But your CRM will be critical to your operations very quickly, and losing access to your data, or having to switch again, could be highly disruptive. Check that your supplier has a bit of track record or some other assurance that they are likely to be around for years to come, and are committed to serving you. 

Choosing the right CRM supplier for your charity is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organisation’s efficiency, funder relationships, and overall success. By focusing on these key factors you can ensure that your CRM system aligns with your mission and operational needs. The right supplier will not only provide a powerful tool to manage your data but also become a trusted partner in helping your organisation grow and thrive. Taking the time to evaluate your options carefully will set your charity up for long-term success and greater impact in the communities you serve. 

Photo by kues1

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